Source code for nuftio.fileio

"""This modules holds all of the neccesarry functions and classes for reading
NUFT input data into the classes described in  :mod:`~nuftio.spec`.
from __future__ import print_function

__displayname__ = 'File I/O'

__all__ = [


import properties
import discretize
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import cPyparsing as pyparsing
import time
import re
import sys
if sys.version_info < (3,):
    from StringIO import StringIO
    from io import StringIO

from .spec import MeshSpecifications, RockType, USNT

[docs]class Parser(properties.HasProperties): """Parses NUFT data files""" COMMENTS = ";" @staticmethod def __toDict(lst, no=False): """An internal helper to handle parsing the ridiculously cumbersome NUFT data format into nested dictionaries.""" if isinstance(lst[0], list): return Parser.__toDict(lst[0]) key = lst[0] key = key.replace('-','_') values = lst[1::] # Check if there is an option if len(values) > 1 and not isinstance(values[0], list) and isinstance(values[1], list): #print('made an option:', values[0]) values[0] = ['option', values[0]] # clean the values into a nested dict if needed #print(key, values) if len(values) < 1: tmp = key key ='option' values = tmp if isinstance(values[0], list) and len(values[0]) > 1: clean = {} for vs in values: k,v = Parser.__toDict(vs, no=True) if key == 'mat': tmp = clean.get(k, {}) nk, nv = Parser.__toDict(v, no=True) tmp2 = tmp.get(nk, []) tmp2.append(nv) tmp[nk] = tmp2 clean[k] = tmp else: clean[k] = v values = clean if all(not isinstance(x, list) for x in values) and len(values) > 1: #print('passing', key, values) pass elif isinstance(values, list) and len(values) == 1: #print('did not pass', key, values) values = values[0] # return if no: return key, values return {key:values} @staticmethod def _createSpecs(dic): """Creates the proper specs for the input nested dictionary. The top level of values will be transformed to ``spec`` objects """ pass @staticmethod def _readFileContents(filename, comments=';', skiprows=0): """Reads the contents of a file to a giant text string""" # Load in all the file lines text = np.genfromtxt(filename, dtype=str, delimiter='\n', comments=comments)[skiprows::] return '\n'.join(text)
[docs] @staticmethod def parseFile(filename, comments=';', skiprows=0, opener='(', closer=')'): """Parses general NUFT data file into a disctionary. If it is a table then use the ``parseTabFile`` method. """ text = Parser._readFileContents(filename, comments=comments, skiprows=skiprows) # Run the parsing and get a nest list of the results return Parser.parseString(text, opener=opener, closer=closer)
[docs] @staticmethod def parseString(text, opener='(', closer=')'): """Perses a string of text in NUFT data format to nested dictionaries""" start_time = time.time() # print('Parsing...', end='\r') # Create the data block parser r = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!"#$%&\'*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~' se = pyparsing.nestedExpr(opener=opener, closer=closer, content=pyparsing.Word(r)) # Run the parsing and get a nest list of the results results = se.parseString(text) results = results.asList() # print('Parsed text in {} seconds'.format(time.time() - start_time)) # Now turn that nested dictionary into data objects! data = Parser.__toDict(results) return data
[docs] @staticmethod def parseTabFile(filename, comments=';', skiprows=0, opener='(', closer=')', names=None): """Reads the NUFT table data format (``.tab`` files).""" # reade the file lines text = Parser._readFileContents(filename, comments=comments, skiprows=skiprows) # now find all tables TABLE = re.compile(r'\(table(.+?)\)', re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL) tables = TABLE.findall(text) if len(tables) < 1: raise RuntimeError('No tables found in the iput file.') dfs = [] # Now create pandas data frames of all the tables in that file for tab in tables: dfs.append(pd.read_table(StringIO(tables[0]), delim_whitespace=True, names=names)) if len(dfs) == 1: # Id only one dataframe, return it return dfs[0] return dfs
# Now define the functions that we want to use
[docs]def read_genmsh(filename, comments=';', skiprows=0, opener='(', closer=')', usnt=False): """Reads genmsh specifiation files""" datadict = Parser.parseFile(filename, comments=comments, skiprows=skiprows, opener=opener, closer=closer) keys = list(datadict.keys()) if len(keys) != 1: raise RuntimeError('This file is specifies too many/few data structures: {}'.format(keys)) if keys[0] != 'genmsh': raise RuntimeError('The data type ({}) is not (genmsh).'.format(key[0])) # Okay we got a genmsh if usnt: return USNT._create(datadict[keys[0]]) return MeshSpecifications._create(datadict[keys[0]])
[docs]def read_rocktab(filename, comments=';', skiprows=0, opener='(', closer=')'): """Reads rocktab material specification files""" datadict = Parser.parseFile(filename, comments=comments, skiprows=skiprows, opener=opener, closer=closer) keys = list(datadict.keys()) if len(keys) != 1: raise RuntimeError('This file is specifies too many/few data structures: {}'.format(keys)) if keys[0] != 'rocktab': raise RuntimeError('The data type ({}) is not (rocktab).'.format(key[0])) # Okay we got a rocktab tabs = {} for k, v in datadict[keys[0]].items(): tabs[k] = RockType._create(k, v) return tabs
[docs]def read_usnt(fname_mesh, fname_rtab, comments=';', skiprows=0, opener='(', closer=')'): """Reads mesh specifications and rock property table into one data object""" usnt = read_genmsh(fname_mesh, comments=comments, skiprows=skiprows, opener=opener, closer=closer, usnt=True) rocktab = read_rocktab(fname_rtab, comments=comments, skiprows=skiprows, opener=opener, closer=closer) usnt.rocktab = rocktab return usnt
[docs]def read_tab(filename, comments=';', skiprows=0, opener='(', closer=')', names=None): """Reads the NUFT table data format (``.tab`` files).""" return Parser.parseTabFile(filename, comments=comments, skiprows=skiprows, opener=opener, closer=closer, names=names)
[docs]class NuftMesh(discretize.TensorMesh): """This is an extension of ``discretize``s ``TensorMesh`` to provide file IO for NUFT simulation results"""
[docs] @classmethod def readNuft(TensorMesh, filename, fix_indices=True): """Run the Foo algorithm on an input number ``nub``. Args: filename (str): the relative or absolute file name fix_indices (bool): If True, decrease the indexing arrays by one because someone chose to use +1 indexing in the NUFT format. """ # read the NUFT results using pandas because its a big ol table try: data = pd.read_table(filename, delim_whitespace=True) except (FileNotFoundError, IOError, OSError): raise RuntimeError('File ("{}") not found.'.format(filename)) # Now use spatial refernce data to reconstruct the TensorMesh #- The array titles that should always be present and that we will use refs = ['index', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'x', 'dx', 'y', 'dy', 'z', 'dz', 'element_ref', 'nuft_ind', 'volume'] #- subtract one from indexing arrays because someone chose +1 indexing :( if fix_indices: data['index'] -= 1 data['i'] -= 1 data['j'] -= 1 data['k'] -= 1 data['element_ref'] -= 1 data['nuft_ind'] -= 1 #- Get the tensors on each axis xedge = data[data['j'] == 0] xedge = xedge[xedge['k'] == 0] yedge = data[data['i'] == 0] yedge = yedge[yedge['k'] == 0] zedge = data[data['i'] == 0] zedge = zedge[zedge['j'] == 0] xt = xedge['dx'].values yt = yedge['dy'].values zt = zedge['dz'].values # Find the origin odx = xedge[xedge['j'] == 0] ox = (odx['x'] - odx['dx']/2.).values[0] ody = yedge[yedge['i'] == 0] oy = (odx['y'] - odx['dy']/2.).values[0] odz = xedge[xedge['j'] == 0] oz = (odx['z'] - odx['dz']/2.).values[0] # Construct the TensorMesh mesh = TensorMesh([xt, yt, zt], x0=(ox, oy, oz)) # Make a model dictionary data = data[[k for k in data.keys() if k not in refs]] models = dict() # Validate the mesh and models #TODO: mesh.validate() for name in data.keys(): mod = data[name].values if mod.size != mesh.nC: raise RuntimeError('Number of elements ({}) in data array does not match number of cells ({}) in the mesh.'.format(mod.size, mesh.nC)) models[name] = mod # Return the constructed mesh and models return mesh, models