Source code for nuftio.spec

from __future__ import print_function

__all__ = [

__displayname__ = 'Specifications'

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import properties
import copy
import warnings
import time
import discretize

class MaterialComponent(properties.HasProperties):
    """Defines the extent of a material component in the grid"""

    i =  properties.Array('Range of element indices in the X-direction',

    j =  properties.Array('Range of element indices in the Y-direction',

    k =  properties.Array('Range of element indices in the Z-direction',

[docs]class MeshSpecifications(properties.HasProperties): """specifies the mesh geometry, element material types and names as well as dual permeability parameters and radiation parameters. """ coord = properties.String( 'specifies the type of mesh that will be generated', change_case='lower', ) @properties.validator def _validate_mesh_type(self): """Check mesh type is one of two valid options: 'rect' or 'cylind'""" if self.coord not in ['rect', 'cylind']: raise properties.ValidationError("Mesh type ('{}') not a valid mesh type. Only 'rect' and 'cylind' are suppurted".format(self.coord)) return True down = properties.Array( 'Vector orientation of down direction and in the direction of ' + 'the gravity vector.', dtype=float, shape=(3,)) dx = properties.Array( "widths of the mesh in the X-dimension", dtype=float, shape=("*",)) dy = properties.Array( "widths of the mesh in the Y-dimension", dtype=float, shape=("*",)) dz = properties.Array( "widths of the mesh in the Z-dimension", dtype=float, shape=("*",)) mat = properties.Dictionary( 'The materials int the model space.', key_prop=properties.String('The element name prefix', change_case='lower'), value_prop=properties.Dictionary('The material types', key_prop=properties.String('The material type. Must have a corresponding entry in the material type the ``rocktab``.'), value_prop=properties.List('ther material components', MaterialComponent) ) ) @property def nx(self): return len(self.dx) @property def ny(self): return len(self.dy) @property def nz(self): return len( @property def nC(self): return (self.nx * self.ny * @property def shape(self): return (self.nx, self.ny, # Optional #anistotrpoic #wrap_around #radcon @staticmethod def __pasrseCellList(line): line_list = [] for seg in line: if '*' in seg: sp = seg.split('*') seg_arr = np.ones((int(sp[0]),), dtype=float) * float(sp[1]) else: seg_arr = np.array([float(seg)], dtype=float) line_list.append(seg_arr) return np.concatenate(line_list) @classmethod def _create(cls, values, validate=False): if not isinstance(values, dict): raise RuntimeError('Input values must be a dictionary') start_time = time.time() #print('Creating Mesh Specs...', end='\r') props = cls() mat = values.pop('mat') save = copy.deepcopy(mat) for k, v in values.items(): if k in cls._props: # If the value is simple, set it! if isinstance(cls._props[k], properties.String): p = props._props.get(k) props._set(k, p.from_json(v)) else: # anything that isnt a mat is a list of floats # make sure to fix any repetitve values us '*' notations vals = MeshSpecifications.__pasrseCellList(v) props._set(k, vals) else: #warnings.warn("({}:{}) property is not valid.".format(k, v)) pass # Now handle the material matrix since all other parameters are set for pref, comp in mat.items(): for name, indices in comp.items(): for idx, ind in enumerate(indices): ind = [i.replace('nx', '%d'%(props.nx+1)) for i in ind] ind = [i.replace('ny', '%d'%(props.ny+1)) for i in ind] ind = [i.replace('nz', '%d'%( for i in ind] # Now shift the indices by one because someone chose +1 indexing :( ind = [int(i)-1 for i in ind] indices[idx] = MaterialComponent(i=ind[0:2],j=ind[2:4],k=ind[4:6]) mat[pref][name] = indices props._set('mat', mat) # Reutrn the object values['mat'] = save #print('Created Mesh Specs in {} seconds.'.format(time.time() - start_time)) if validate: start_time = time.time() print('Validating Mesh Specs...', end='\r') props.validate() print('Validated Mesh Specs in {} seconds.'.format(time.time() - start_time)) return props @property def definitions(self): """Gets the ``mat_type`` definitions as integers to be matched with any given rocktab file via the lookup table.""" mod = np.empty(self.shape, dtype=int) lootbl = self.lookup_table.set_index('material') for el_pref in self.mat.keys(): for mat_type in self.mat[el_pref].keys(): for mc in self.mat[el_pref][mat_type]: mod[mc.i[0]:mc.i[1]+1,mc.j[0]:mc.j[1]+1,mc.k[0]:mc.k[1]+1] = lootbl.loc[mat_type]['id'] return mod.flatten(order='f') @property def injector(self): mod = np.full(self.shape, False, dtype=bool) for mat_type in self.mat['wb1'].keys(): for mc in self.mat['wb1'][mat_type]: mod[mc.i[0]:mc.i[1]+1,mc.j[0]:mc.j[1]+1,mc.k[0]:mc.k[1]+1] = True return mod.flatten(order='f') @property def materials(self): mats = [] for el_pref in self.mat.keys(): for mat_type in self.mat[el_pref].keys(): mats.append(mat_type) return list(set(mats)) @property def lookup_table(self): mats = self.materials df = pd.DataFrame(data=mats, columns=['material']) df['id'] = pd.factorize(df['material'])[0] return df
[docs] def toTensorMesh(self): return discretize.TensorMesh(h=[self.dx, self.dy,])
class Param(properties.HasProperties): name = properties.String('The parameter name') value = properties.Float('The parameter value') class EqnParams(properties.HasProperties): phase = properties.String('The phase') equation = properties.String('Equation to use') params = properties.List('The parameters', Param)
[docs]class RockType(properties.HasProperties): mat_type = properties.String('The rock type name corresponding to ``MaterialComponent.mat_type``.') Kd = properties.List('Dimensionless solid sorption coefficient of the component', Param) KdFactor = properties.List('Dimensionless solid sorption coefficient of the component', Param) tort = properties.List('The Tortuosity parameters per phase.', EqnParams) pc = properties.List('The pressure parameters per phase.', EqnParams) kr = properties.List('The relative permeability/saturation per phase.', EqnParams) K0 = properties.Float('The Kx value') K1 = properties.Float('The Kx value') K2 = properties.Float('The Kx value') porosity = properties.Float('The fractional porosity', min=0., max=1.) solid_density = properties.Float('The solid density value.') #tcond #Cp @classmethod def _create(cls, mat_type, values, validate=True): if not isinstance(values, dict): raise RuntimeError('Input values must be a dictionary') props = cls() props.mat_type = mat_type for k, v in values.items(): if k in cls._props: # If the value is simple, set it! if not isinstance(cls._props[k], properties.List): p = props._props.get(k) props._set(k, p.from_json(v)) elif k in ['Kd', 'KdFactor']: # v is a dictionary of name value pairs of params props._set(k, [Param(name=n, value=float(p)) for n,p in v.items()]) elif k in ['tort', 'pc', 'kr']: phases = [] for phase, eqns in v.items(): opt = eqns.pop('option') params = [Param(name=n, value=float(p)) for n,p in eqns.items()] phases.append(EqnParams(phase=phase, equation=opt, params=params)) props._set(k, phases) else: #warnings.warn("({}:{}) property is not valid.".format(k, v)) pass else: print('WARN: {} not a property of this class.'.format(k)) if validate: props.validate() return props
[docs]class USNT(MeshSpecifications): """The base object to instantiate.""" rocktab = properties.Dictionary('Porous medium properties', key_prop=properties.String('The material type name'), value_prop=RockType) @property def attributes(self): atts = [] for k,v in RockType._props.items(): if isinstance(v, properties.Float): atts.append(k) return atts
[docs] def model(self, attribute): """Gets a rocktab attribute as a NumPy array ready for discretize or PVGeo""" mod = np.empty(self.shape) mod[:] = np.nan for el_pref in self.mat.keys(): for mat_type in self.mat[el_pref].keys(): for mc in self.mat[el_pref][mat_type]: mod[mc.i[0]:mc.i[1]+1,mc.j[0]:mc.j[1]+1,mc.k[0]:mc.k[1]+1] = self.rocktab[mat_type]._get(attribute) return mod.flatten(order='f')
[docs] def allModels(self, dataframe=True): """Returns all attributes in a Pandas DataFrame""" df = pd.DataFrame() for key in self.attributes: df[key] = self.model(key) if dataframe: return df return df.to_dict()
[docs] def saveLithLookupTable(self, filename): atts = ['K0', 'K1', 'K2', 'porosity', 'solid_density'] lootbl = self.lookup_table.set_index('material') for at in atts: lootbl[at] = np.full(len(lootbl), np.nan) for k in lootbl.index: lootbl.loc[k,at] = self.rocktab[k]._get(at) lootbl = lootbl.reset_index() lootbl = lootbl.set_index('id') return lootbl.to_csv(filename, index_label='Index')